Saturday, February 4, 2017

Birthdays, Seasons Of Joys And Pains, 82 Years On Earth, Roots And Nuts To Stand.

Never hide your Language, what do you call this in your language?Eyes Read, Cats With Nine Lives, Fairy Tales, Black And White, Hares Lost In Woods. Birthdays, Seasons Of Joys And Pains, 82 Years On Earth, Roots And Nuts To Stand. Jack And Robin Bailey, sister and brother, 10 years apart, back in time were 13 of them, now there are less. David, Leslie, Roland, brothers left, Robin and Jeanette, the sisters left. Lots of history to cover, over time, over space, pages to book. Thanks for the long life you have had, and many more to come. 40 more birthdays to go.

 Dreams and wishes, birthdays to cerebrate, over the years, times fly, 82 years old this year, on the 2nd of this month. Cheers and chaps, nuts to stand for a long time, nuts to fall, kids are born, happy for the nine nuts to come to earth. Veteran, Nurses, Bean Counters, and low lives, coins to flip, nine kids with reasons to jump for joy. 

Life to create over time and space. 3 wives to have and hold, first on died, long ago. Aleane Bailey, born May 12, 1937, dead at 34, lost her breath at the end of her dazes on earth, October 16, 1971. The first, is the best in the wives he had. Just to let you know. Who cares about the others, cows to call, Mary Little, the bitch with 3 kids by the age of 15, not a role model for the girls he had. Another fish to let go, after 4 more kids out of the womb. Lots of stores of stories on that cow that gave the milk away for free, after Dad, Jack Bailey to some. Birthdays, Seasons Of Joys And Pains, 82 Years On Earth, Roots And Nuts To Stand. 
Facebook.Lover for the night, hater out of site, faces of the fish in the seas, coins to flip, a keeper or not. Dicks, dawgs, dates, fat and wide, big and tale, cows and wales on land. NY rednecks, hogs and pigs, cheap tricks, to stay inside. Hats of dads, hats of kids, horns or love and hate, faces of frogs, faces of snakes and worms. Tales left behind. Chips to fall, trades with dogs, stuff and shit, to fall in trash. Words and views, written out, Star Bright to shine at night. Birthdays, Seasons Of Joys And Pains, 82 Years On Earth, Roots And Nuts To Stand. Never hide your Language, what do you call this in your language?

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